Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Scientific discoveries should be shared around the world. Government should not keep it privately.

TOEFL, IELTS, Personal Statement and CV Proofreading Services. TOEFL Writing Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Scientific discoveries should be shared around the world. Government should not keep it privately.

  • You-know-who
    University: Southwest University of Political Science and Law
    Nationality: China
    March 27, 2020 at 10:18 am

    Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Scientific discoveries should be shared around the world. Government should not keep it privately.

    Scientific discoveries reflect a country’s innate competitive advantages. Every superpower in this era is, without exception, a technology powerhouse. Some people claim that the government should keep scientific discoveries privately to earn more cash or widen the gap with other countries. However, I suspect it  sharing scientific discoveries yields more benefits than drawbacks.

    To begin with, sharing hardly block the commercialization of scientific discoveries because of the patent right. The government share discoveries and patent rights protect its economic benefits. For example, if the Microsoft company applies the windows system for a patent, they get a right to exclusively use the technology for a period of time. Although they sharing the discovery with others, the Microsoft company and its country still can earn large amounts of money from it. Admittedly, some discoveries such as the law of nature can not applied for patent right. As for those discoveries, the government earn a reputation for its great academic achievements and the generous sharing behavior.

    Secondly, sharing improves efficiency. Generally, finding a scientific discovery cost a fortune. Sharing can prevents other countries wasting time and effort researching scientific discoveries that someone has found before. Besides, sharing and efficiency is extremely vital to global concerns. Taking the coronavirus for example, it widely spreads among the whole world and threatens our daily life. Supposing that all countries sharing their discoveries, scientists all over the world can work together to figure out coronavirus. More quickly we solve it, fewer people die at the funeral home.

    Lastly, Some scientific discoveries must be shared on the humanitarian grounds. If one discovery is able to reduce starvation, diseases and even poverty, it must be published.  There is no reason outweighs saving lives. For instance, Doctor Yuan Longping has developed the new hybird rice which can grows on poor land and produces high yield. Keeping such types of discoveries in secretly is  ignoring social responsibilities that a great government should taken.


    March 28, 2020 at 11:02 pm

    Score: 48

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    University: Southwest University of Political Science and Law
    Nationality: China
    March 31, 2020 at 12:37 pm

    Scientific discoveries reflect a country’s inherent competitive advantages. Every superpower in this era is, without exception, a technology powerhouse. In order to limit other countries’ growth, some governments might monopolize their scientific discoveries. However, I suspect sharing yields more benefits than drawbacks.

    To begin with, sharing discoveries is a win-win situation. The government applies for a patent and then everyone gets benefits. For one thing, the government gets a right to exclusively use discoveries for a period of time. Although its discoveries are published , they are only used for research. For another thing, other countries can save a fortune. They avoid wasting time and effort researching something that someone has found before. Admittedly, the patent right can not protect some discoveries such as the law of nature. As for those discoveries, the government earns a reputation for its great academic achievements.

    Secondly, the government shall share some discoveries on the humanitarian grounds. If one discovery is able to reduce starvation, diseases and even poverty, the government should release it. There is no reason outweighs saving lives. The new hybrid rice is a classic example. It is able to grow on poor land and produce high yield. Sharing and expanding it can greatly decrease undernourished people around the world. If a government keeps such types of discoveries secretly, it has no sense of social responsibility.

    Lastly, sharing scientific discoveries promotes international cooperation. Simply put, sharing is a part of cooperation. In the common life, people prefer staying with friends who readily share their discoveries. That is the same between countries. A government that opposes sharing hardly get assistance from other countries, let alone cooperation. Over time, the government is isolated from the international community. Besides, some discoveries are not conclusions. As the research goes further, the government might lack resources, technologies, scientists or even cash. If it shares the discovery, the government can ask other countries for support and finally accelerate efficiency.

    April 10, 2020 at 4:05 am

    Score: 49.7

    I will send you screenshots to illustrate specific problems/errors.