Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on specific points made in the reading passage.

TOEFL, IELTS, Personal Statement and CV Proofreading Services. TOEFL Writing Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on specific points made in the reading passage.

  • September 12, 2020 at 4:59 am

    Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on specific points made in the reading passage.

    The news that Peary declared to have reached the North Pole arouse great controversy. Some historians including the speaker doubted whether Peary succeeded in reaching the North Pole, while three clues prove that his saying was true.

    First, the National Geographic Society made a detailed investigation of Peary’s records and equipment. The organization found that his statements were consistent with their findings. But the speaker argues that the group is not objective enough since it once received the financial help of Peary’s friend.

    Second, a recent expedition offered support to Peary’s declaration that he reached the North Pole within only 37 days. Besides, an explorer called Avery finished the adventure in less than 37 days when using the same equipment as Peary did. Whereas, the speaker challenged that Avery once got food transported by airplane during this period. Thus, it is not sufficient to take Avery’s experience as supporting evidence of Peary.

    Third, photographs taken by Peary could support his claim. Measuring the shadows in Peary’s photo could calculate the sun’s position in the sky. It is precisely consistent with the Sun’s position as it should have been at the North Pole on that day. However, the speaker holds that the shadow can’t prove Peary’s saying since the picture provided by Peary has faded over time. The Sun’s precise position cannot be concluded from a blurred and faded picture.


    September 19, 2020 at 9:02 pm

    The news that Peary declared to have reached the North Pole arouse great controversy. Some historians including the speaker doubted whether Peary [ had ]succeeded in reaching the North Pole, [punctuation error  ]while three clues prove that his saying was true.

    First, the National Geographic Society made a detailed investigation of Peary’s records and (equipment)[ unclear ]. The organization found that his statements were consistent with their findings. But the speaker argues[ inconsistent with ‘doubted’ in tense ] that t(he group is not objective enough)[ unclear ] since it once received the financial help of [ wrong preposition ]Peary’s friend.

    Second, a recent expedition offered support to Peary’s declaration that he [had  ]reached the North Pole within only 37 days. Besides, an explorer called Avery finished[/completed  ] the adventure in less than 37 days when using the same equipment as [what  ]Peary [ used ]did. Whereas, the speaker challenged that Avery once got food transported by airplane during this period. Thus, it is not sufficient to take Avery’s experience as supporting evidence of [wrong preposition  ]Peary.

    Third, photographs taken by Peary could support his[unclear pronoun  ] claim. Measuring the shadows in Peary’s photo could calculate the sun’s position in the sky. It [  unclear pronoun]is precisely consistent with the Sun’s position as it [ unclear pronoun ]should have been at the North Pole on that day. However, the speaker holds that the shadow can’t prove Peary’s saying since the picture provided by Peary has faded over time. The Sun’s precise position cannot be concluded[determined  ] from a blurred and faded picture.