The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones. Lucas

TOEFL, IELTS, Personal Statement and CV Proofreading Services. GRE Writing The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones. Lucas

  • LucasTom
    University: HDU
    Nationality: China
    August 20, 2022 at 8:49 am


    University: HDU
    Nationality: China
    August 20, 2022 at 8:49 am

    The best teaching should not be an extremely binary action which focus on well-done jobs and neglects the defeats. What extent I agree with is that education is to affirm someone’s success pushing them to go further in their field, and when somebody gets some trouble in their way directs them to a way that helps them overcome the snag.

    Admittedly, praising positive actions is a significant component during the educational process, which mainly incarnates in three aspects including value, confidence and enthusiasm. First of all, only after the results are confirmed by teachers, schools or even society can the students believe that what they have done in the past several months or years is valuable and they indeed understand what they have learnt. By the way, some opponents may argue that some people actually don’t care about others’ mind, who just want to achieve their own dreams. For this case, it belongs to the realm of interest but not teaching. After being affirmed, students’ confidence will be enhanced because the more works done by themselves are accepted, the more strongly they believe what they can do in future especially coming from their heart. This self-confidence will ignite the enthusiasm of students’ ambition.

    Ignoring negative actions is definitely an inadvisable measurement in teaching process. It is really harmful for students both from objective facet and subjective facet. When it comes to objective facet, paying little attention to the faults or even neglecting them will leave students knowledge blind spots which may grow up to a big problem in their later study as a white ant nest in a building. In terms to subjective facet, teaching should be a process of leading students to discover problem and solve them. If teachers do what the speaker has said, education would lose its fundamental mission. However, there are indeed some situations that should be ignored. For example, when people do some research and get a lot of datas, but some datas are irrelevant to the results or some datas even are outliers, so these datas are ready to be discarded. So when students get in troubles of rationales during study, teachers should, at the first time, help students get out of the depression, then encourage them to face the problems and give some advices that help them to overcome the quandary.

    In sum, teaching should be a lighthouse that helps people to find their way to the destination. Giving praise to the outcomes no matter how good they are will incubate a better one. Giving a hand to resolve problems is the rudimental task of teaching rather than ignoring negative actions.