the importance of unity

  • uplili
    Nationality: 中国
    April 30, 2020 at 2:32 am

    The importance of unity

    It is widely acknowledged that unity is crucial in the workplace and society. As someone once said,“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.” Unity is essential for the country.

    First of all, in modern times, most of the jobs require teamwork. If you work in a company, your post must be a link in a chain. You have to collaborate jointly with your colleagues to fulfill your task. Assume you are a designer, your design can only be made into a product through the production section. Besides, for us,《The Group Work》and 《The Community Work》are our professional courses, which will be used to help our clients by team collaboration. So, unity is indispensable in work. Secondly, it is vital for society, obviously in this outbreak. For that reason, we almost overcome the epidemic in a short time, and protect the Chinese from NCP. During the outbreak, except for purchases of necessities, we never go out. Even if someone has to go out, they will wear a mask, and also wash hands while coming back. Also, in every community, there were many volunteers working. It is because of the unity of the whole people that the epidemic in China has been well controlled. In the end, on account of agreement, China endured the tribulations winning the War of Resistance and establishing the Republic finally. The precious spirit remains alive today.

    All in all,unity is significant. It makes “one plus one greater than two.”


    April 30, 2020 at 12:51 pm

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