TPO54 Independent writing

  • Bright
    University: ZUFE
    Nationality: China
    July 5, 2022 at 10:23 am

    Arts do can foster people’s aesthetic mind, but athletics has much more benefits than arts. For the sake of evoking economic growth and people’s health, the government has a more reasonable choice to spend money in support of athletics rather than arts.

    Supporting athletics can greatly stimulate people’s self-confidence. The sense of honor often comes from valuable awards after a hard competition. Athletics games has more people to watch than arts, which means that the express in athletics are more touchable for common people. When a Olympic teams sponsored by state win them a gold medal, people’s confidence to his own country can be greatly satisfied and expanded. That kind of high self-esteem can help people work better, and become not likely to be interrupted by other things. Consequently, the whole nation will be benefited by the increasing tax income paid by the people who work harder and better off. A research done by a professor John Hamilton in Duke University aiming to find out which kind of amusement can make people most happy in 2019 shows about 60% people thought that do sports can make them most happy than any other things.

    Athletics can bring people healthier body. As it known to us all, when the country focusing on improving something, more policy will be released and then people will be willing to involve in. A state-sponsored Olympics is not just a money-costing program, it is a label to increasing people’s attention on sports and health. When the Olympics champions showing their smile on television, people are likely to regard them as their idols. For idols, people will try to imitate their actions and turn to spend more time on body-shaping and eating diet. The future is predictable if people all going to exercise more but not staying at home eating high-fat junk foods. The burden for hospital to cure those obesity, sick in digestion can be largely reduced. The hospital can have more time to do research but not wasting time and money on those illnesses.

    University: ZUFE
    Nationality: China
    July 5, 2022 at 10:24 am

    The economics after the crash of Covid19 can also be motivated when government supporting more money on the athletics. Think about doing sports, people need some specialized equipment and place such as gym or fitness rooms. The most problem nowadays is people’s demand isn’t as large as before and hard to increase. The supporting of athletics can advocate more people to sport and socialize, which means a great opportunity to revive the country’s gloom and doom economy. Take a company specialized in fitness for example, Keep has its customer doubled during the days of isolation, it saves the company from bankruptcy. Once the demand of people is inspired out, it can not be stopped and will last for a long time, which means an opportunity for the whole country return to its normal rhythm. If the money is used to support arts, only a few people know how to appreciate arts. The people inspired by the policy for arts is less than for sports, the recovery of economy will be hard to expect.

    Supporting sports can help the country grow better in many different aspects. Compared to arts, it worth more inputs.

    July 5, 2022 at 1:35 pm
    1. Please provide the essay topic;
    2. Restrict each paragraph to 90 words;
    3. Limit your essay to 320 words (a lengthy essay will be punished rather than rewarded in the actual test.)