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  • Dolly
    University: Anhui polytechnic university
    Nationality: china
    January 30, 2020 at 2:08 pm

    The improvement of the internet makes our lives so different. people’s daily life styles changed, the methods of obtaining data improved, the economic and other professional aspects developed.In my opinion,a few disadvantages about the effective internet are tolerated.

    The internet is obviously positive. It can help people find information more easily.People used to find data and messages from the library. Finder used to stand in front of the book-rack for a long time. Specifically,bachelors could write new papers to solve social problems more effectively than before. This kind of trend is actually beneficial for society. Besides,the internet also makes individuals communicate with each other more conveniently. Everyone could call their parents with an online video although they are far away from each other. No one has not been benefit from the computer tools such as We-chat. These kind of tools could delivery messages as soon as possible through the internet.

    Negative influences also exist on the using of internet. Firstly, easily finding information also means, students could find the answer of their homework from the internet in a minute. Few of them would spend time solving the problems by themselves.The most,at the same time, just write down those internet answers on their papers, whatever those answers are right or wrong. On the other hand, some messages on the internet are misguided and fake, children and teenagers are unable to identify them. it is possible leading the group by mistake and sometimes caused crimes.

    The consequence caused by internet is commonly acceptable by the public, while a number of achievements made civilians life changed and developed. Thus, I personally believe the overall effect of this technology on internet has been positive.