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  • fzc
    University: Donghua University
    Nationality: China
    October 22, 2020 at 1:35 pm

    Most damages humanity caused to the environment will lead to long term detrimental consequences. Examples abound in our daily life. Countless marine animals have mistaken and eaten plastic bags thrown away by human beings. According to research, the amount of plastics detected in the human body has increased to 3%, inferring that our living environment has been full of plastics and we are taking the consequences of our behavior now.

    By putting a premium on the environment issues can humans find a developing path that will no longer do harm to our planet. The main reason why only a few companies are investing in new energy cars is due to the high developing cost. However, in Shanghai, a newly-issued policy claims that hybrid energy cars will have exclusive license plates, sharing the same rights as traditional cars. Since the number of traditional car license plates are constrained by the government, a lot of people turned to hybrid energy cars. With the boosting sales in these cars, more brands will invest in the development of the new energy cars. The new energy car industry is still in its infancy. As a result of a more eco-friendly policy, the industries of new energy and related products will enter the mainstream rapidly. In the long term, economic growth will be more eco-friendly.

    Admittedly, there are parts of the world still suffering from famine, plague, and extremely low literacy. It will be ruthless to stop these countries and regions from continuous economic growth. However, what the international society should do is offer financial and technological support to help them through rather than just let them develop their economy at the cost of the environment.

    To sum up, if treated properly, the concerns about the environment will not slow down the economy, rather, it will force the economy to grow in a better way.