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  • hzm
    Nationality: China
    October 27, 2021 at 2:23 am

    The reading passage propounds several theories to explain the possible cause of the 52-hertz whale’s unique song. However, the lecturer points out that though attempted to interpret by scientists, the theories are still flawed and remain a mystery.

    The first theory claimed in the reading passage is that the 52-hertz whale may be a hybrid of two different species and combines characters from the two. The lecturer, on the other hand, opposes this opinion as the migration pattern of the 52-hertz whale is unusual. To be specific, all the hybrid whales we know follow the migration pattern of non-hybrid whales and thus travel together. If the 52-hertz whale were a hybrid, it would do the same as other whales. As is found by scientists, the 52-hertz whale doesn’t migrate along with others, but has its own migration pattern and migrates alone according to the location detection results. Therefore, this hybrid claim does not hold water.

    Secondly, the reading passage suggests that the 52-hertz whale’s hearing may be damaged and sound differently in consequence, whereas the lecturer argues against this explanation. Just like humans, throat is where the high pitch depends upon and sound originates from, which means that the throat structure must be unusual for the purpose of producing a high pitch sound. Since there is no connection between deafness and throat structure, hearing damage would not be the reason either.

    Thirdly, the reading passage states that the 52-hertz whale may be the only known member of a rare species, <u>which is also contradicted by the lecturer that even if it is rare, its parents must also be of 52 hertz. (unclear about whether this sentence is correct or not)</u> Scientists, however, have applied the technology to detect in the ocean for decades. Supposing for this reason, there must be some other whales of the same species, such as its parents, being around recently and detected. Indeed, no such sound has been heard before this one.