TruckersForMe Participant TruckersForMe Participant

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  • Nicole
    University: Wuhan university
    Nationality: China
    September 18, 2019 at 1:44 pm

    太好了,终于知道怎么写personal statement了,个人陈述真的有点摸不着头脑

    University: Wuhan university
    Nationality: China
    September 18, 2019 at 10:50 am

    I definitely agree with the statement that successful people try new things and risks rather than only doing what they know how to do well. Although working hard is a crucial part for being triumphant, I think doing something risky is more significant.

    Firstly, trying new things may bring some unknowable opportunity. If a man wants success, he must be lucky enough to meet an army of chances. It’s crucial to level up your abilities, but the capacities are invisible when there’s no chance. For example, the most famous businessman in China is Jack, who grown up in a poor village and finally created a successful career, finally had a great effect on the whole country. He had no lesson about economy in his college, but he was brave enough to do something unfamiliar. Indeed, it’s his courage brings him the fortune. Without the brave and ambition, he would not be successful as today.

    Secondly, taking risks can help people leave their comfort-zones. People who live in their comfort-zones may feel comfortable and relaxed, and unwilling to leave the familiar situations. Therefore, people may get stuck in their little world, knowing nothing about the outside place. From my experience, it is necessary to skip out of one’s comfort-zone or layer. When I was in my freshman year, I chose many irrelevant courses, such as Philosophy, Political Science, and Literature. These classes are not my major or minor fields, but show me much more knowledge. To try new things, I also went to Japan for exchange study last semester, which expanded my horizon. After that, I suddenly realize, there’s a bigger world beyond my knowledge, and I was so simple and naive. Although learning Japanese is difficult for me, I tried my best. Obviously, taking risks is beneficial for gaining life experiences.

    Admittedly, persistent working is indispensable for being successful, but I firmly believe that adventurous decision is more essential and helpful.