RosaT Le
ShippersForMe Participant ShippersForMe Participant

Your Replies

  • RosaT Le
    University: Renmin University of China
    Nationality: China
    January 22, 2021 at 8:03 am

    I agree that celebrities should have more privacy because they lack it severely nowadays.  In public life, ordinary people are eager to peep the lives of celebrities.  However, this greatly damages the well-knowns and the society.

    Privacy gives the celebrity time to charge themselves. They present themselves best in front of the public while after the show they feel tired and need rests both mentally and physically. Why can’t we let them own their personal time? Privacy helps them to relax themselves no matter by means of rest or entertainment. They can spend time improving their shortcomings and come back to the stage in a better condition. Emma Watson, the famous British actress was a student at Brown University for further education. If her privacy was interfered seriously during that period, she could hardly learn well and play better roles in later movies.

    Adequate privacy provides the celebrity with physical security. To dig out more privacy from the celebrities, a new career called Paparazzi came up and harmed the celebrity. One notorious example is their chasing after Princess Diana, causing a severe car crash and the death of the former Princess. This would never happen if the paparazzi give more privacy to the celebrity.

    Considering the situation from the perspective of normal people, we still need to protect their privacy. If famous entertainers and athletes lose their privacy, the privacy of ordinary people will gain less respect. There have been cases that ordinary people’s personal information being sold among illegal organizations. This might cause our loss of money or even life if taken advantage of by the criminals. There will be a bad atmosphere that nobody’s privacy deserves to be protected unless we recognize the celebrity’s privacy is worthy.

    Privacy is protected by the law as well as morality. Famous entertainers and athletes deserve to have more privacy so that society will respect individual’s privacy more.