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  • vitochn
    University: Wuhan University
    Nationality: Chinese
    June 8, 2022 at 8:27 am

    People living in the twenty-first century have a better quality of life than people who live in previous countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Nowadays, considerable improvements in technology and social equality enhance the well-being of humans. Some argue that modern life is increasingly comfortable, rather than the ancient one. Generally, I agree with this opinion.

    Together with high productivity, economic growth significantly enhanced humans’ material life, especially in developed and some developing countries. Nowadays, most people no longer grow food or keep cattle for themselves. They can purchase various foods at a suitable price conveniently. With the assistance of the internet, customers even get access to nearly all types of goods worldwide. Surely, this kind of lifestyle would enhance people’s sense of joy. Conversely, a great number of ancient people who lived in an agricultural society were peasants or serfs, limited by low productivity and small-scaled local market, and they were forced to work hard in physical labour to feed their families.

    Still, some individuals mentioned and admired the quality of life in the old days due to the slower lifestyle. Before the invention of the train, people did not focus on timetables so much as today and arranged their daily routine freely. There was plenty of time for those rural area residents. For example, in the countryside, kids always play and exercise wildly. They could touch nature and breathe the fresh air without worrying. Also, mental health issues were much less than these days cause some high-pressure modern office cultures were not even existed. Previous humans were not conquered and turned by technological products. Vice-versa, they were not able to enjoy them.

    In conclusion, I agree that modern life is better than ancient. Though it dragged people into a fast lifestyle, it has liberated people from concerns about food.