TruckersForMe Participant TruckersForMe Participant

Your Replies

  • 123qw4q
    University: 北京信息科技
    Nationality: china
    March 20, 2020 at 8:39 am

    Some people support that the international community should take measures to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels worldwide immediately. I agree with the opinion that we should decrease consumption, but I hold the opposite perspective on immediate action.

    It is necessary to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels. If we don’t find solution to it, the environmental issue will get worse. Because many countries consume a mass of fossil fuels every year. It produces a lot of harmful gas and will cause the problem of pollution. For instance, the cars which are driven on the road every day are the one reason for Global Warming. In that case, it is about time to control the abuse before it too late.

    However, it is impossible to reduce it immediately. Many equipment requires fossil fuels to ran, like many kinds of vehicle. We can’t live without it as the increase in demand. If we reduce the consumption immediately, it will lead to troubles and has a huge impact on our society, even our life and work will be affected. Thus, we should reduce our needs of fuels   gradually and find ways to replace the consumptions such as encouraging the development of electric cars or seeking another fossil like H2. In this way we can reduce the demand for fuels and thus the demand for them.

    In conclusion, cutting back on fossil fuel use is a good idea, but I suggest tackling the problem bit by bit, not immediately.