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  • Alexia
    University: Tian Jin Chengjian University
    Nationality: China
    October 23, 2020 at 3:35 am

    Currently,fostering good natures for kids is necessary.But,it’s a tough one to determine both parents’ and school’s role on this aspect. From my perspective,I think both of them should bear the same duty.

    On the one hand, the sociologists hold that folks play a primary role in teaching kids’ nature. Because children’s behavior is easy to be influenced by parents.From birth to adulthood,a kid spent most of the time with parents. Once they are born,parents would teach their kid to speak the first word “dad” or mom and walk.Before they grown up, all of their knowledge are acquired from their parents because of the lack of the cognitive.Thus, it’s determined that parents’ words and actions greatly impact kids’ growth.In conclusion,it’s for sure that parents should teach kids to behave well.

    On the other hand, others insist that it’s the school’s duty.I mean,school undertakes the most responsibilities on students’ study. Actually, When a kid grow up to a certain age, they’ll attend school to receive some education. As we all know, teachers who are well trained are more familiar with students ‘ characteristics .Thus,to this degree, It’s easy for them to regulate kids’ behaviors. Furthermore, students without self-discipline are easily to be affected by bad tempetion. There’re numerous attractions at schools such us games, cigarettes, cheats which have bad influences . To get rid of these risks, the school should set strict rules to migrate them. Hence, school teaching is fundamental.

    Questions are divided on how important roles do parents and school play. In fact, they are equall important in students’ growth. Parents have duty to teach their kids on account of the role they take.If kids don’t receive enough direct from parents,they’ll tend to grow in a wrong direction.It’s same in schools that the knowledge children learnt at school is essential to their whole life.Duing to these, I put forward both parents and school are important.