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  • ANNE294995
    University: Peking University
    Nationality: China
    February 23, 2020 at 2:42 am

    The discussion of whether children should make choices on their own on everyday matters has been a hot topic. Some people hold their ground that conniving kids to follow their bent leads to selfishness. Others argue that making decisions about issues plays an essential role in children’s mental health. In my view, encouraging children to decide daily routines is of great importance and positive affection.

    On the one hand, given the chance of option, children are likely to consider their personal preference. That means they won’t take others’ wishes into account. Once free choices are allowed,  rules and constraints no longer exist. Then the sense of relief can drive children to make irrational choices. One of the typical symbols is that children become self-centred while deciding what to eat or where to entertain. It seems that others’ opinion is ineffective since the right of determination is commanded. Hence, the society will become cold and detached.

    On the other hand, the opportunity of opting for everyday needs builds the ability of independence and responsibility. As we can imagine, facing the situation of choosing without any support, the youth probably think twice before actions. Since they have to take the consequences of their determination, they put every effort to go through all the benefits and risks. Meanwhile, they balance the acquisition and loss. This unique and practical training form the character of carefulness without question.

    To conclude, allowing children to decide daily matters indeed causes coldness and selfishness. However, despite the fact that problems may arouse, I still insist that letting the youth make independent choices can influence their all-round development in a positive way. Thus, options without assistance should be encouraged.