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  • Binnieybw
    University: SJTU
    Nationality: China
    August 22, 2022 at 2:50 am

    As household income rises, traveling is becoming a popular option among people. Thus, there is a general discussion nowadays about the choices of travel destinations. Some prefer to take a trip abroad, while others argue that traveling to domestic resorts is more beneficial. From my perspective, both choices have their own advantages.

    On the one hand, overseas tours are crucial in broadening our horizons, endowing people a blessed opportunity to encounter and further understand foreign cultures. To be specific, paying a visit to a foreign country opens the door of a different world to us. By communicating with local people, we could gain a new perspective on life, which might change our previous minds. For instance, my mother and I took a trip to Thailand last year. It was surprising to find that the natives dressed in an ethnic style. Due to the warm weather, people are forced to dress in thin and short clothes all the year. What’s more, they drink coffee in a unique way. Instead of bottles we usually use to pack coffee, coffee in Thailand is packed in bags. All these findings abroad give me a brand new view of the world, reminding me of a variety of possibilities in life.

    On the other hand, traveling in our homeland gives us a thorough comprehension of our country’s geological features. Indeed, only after stepping onto different places of our homeland in person can we have a better understanding of expertise in our geology textbooks. My last tour to Hainan, known as Chinese Hawaii, is an example. As a person who grew up in a mountainous inland city, I had never seen a genuine sea with my own eyes until I came to the coast of Hainan. The ocean was, honestly, the same as what I used to spot in the photos. But standing in front of it in person is another story. The ocean was so expanse and spectacular that I even dreamed of swimming and immersing in it all day. Therefore, homeland tours also place us as beneficiaries.