Claire W
TruckersForMe Participant TruckersForMe Participant

Your Replies

  • Claire W
    University: Macau
    Nationality: Macau
    November 5, 2019 at 9:23 am

    Children are the future of the country and teachers are those who make the future better. More and more kids are given the opportunity of going to school. Based on that, I disagree with the statement that teachers are less appretiate or valued today.

    Individuals are required to be equipped with more and more professional skills thanks to the specific division of work in modern society. If a person wants to graduate from university, he would have to take at least 16 years of study in schools. During this period of enriching himself, he would get help from so many teachers. Teachers not only teach him knowledge but also mold his character. Teachers’ existence accompanies the first twenty years of a human being and the influence will surely last to the end of life. With more people recognize the significance of teachers, the teachers are being appreciated and valued much more than before.

    This increased valuation not only stays on the individual level but also rises from the national perspective. With the development of technology, every country in the world has seen the power of it. Developing technology can not without the help of the outstanding talented people and those people are exactly cultivated by teachers. Countries are inclining more and more resources in normal schools. With governments doing so, the public is also led to evaluate more on teachers’ work. Thus more and more teachers are appreciated by parents and students.

    To summarize, the teachers are getting appreciated and valued much than before in modern society.