Dingguo W
ShippersForMe Participant ShippersForMe Participant

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  • Dingguo W
    University: High school
    Nationality: China
    September 10, 2020 at 7:28 am

    Thanks so much for your help.

    I’m not sure how to shorten/spilt some of the long sentences without changing their original meanings. And I can not find the passive sentences except ” I was given a fixed money” and “To be noted”. I have changed the former into the active voice.


    I was about to go to college when I reached 18. Would I say I was ready to live on my own foot? No, not only because I did not make any money, but the idea of being an adult freaked me out. I didn’t think I could do all the things that adults do by myself. But did I still live with my parents? No, I have lived in dorms since I was 13. In my experience, I believe that young adults should live separately from their parents as soon as possible.

    Since I was 13, I have lived in dorms. I learned to cook, clean, look after my health and master my daily routine to fit in these basics of life besides working hard on school assignments. To be noted, I learned how to manage money, one of the must-have skills for adults. My father gave me a fixed amount of money each month to pay for living expenses. Setting up a budget and applying it consistently was one of my tips. Another was to set aside some money for the big purchase.

    Besides picking up essential everyday living skills, living without parents close by helped to develop my self-confidence. Knowing that I was able to handle things by myself, like any other adult does, alleviated my fear of becoming an adult. In hindsight, it turned out that financial independence was the part that I feared most in terms of being an adult. However, after giving a taste of dealing with money and manage it successfully, I found it not as hard as I thought…

    To sum up, leaving my parents to live in dorms not only enables me to take care of myself, but makes me realize that I’m capable of the ability to learn to live on my own. Adulting is a way of life. You don’t wake up on your 18<sup>th</sup> birthday suddenly knowing how to do all the adult things. I suggest young adults should take the first step to move out of your parent’s house.