Elena L
ShippersForMe Participant ShippersForMe Participant

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  • Elena L
    University: University of International Business and Economics
    Nationality: China
    February 8, 2021 at 10:49 am

    Nowadays, there is a growing demand for Internet usage. We need to surf the Internet, browse many websites for information and chat with our friends or relatives everyday. In this case, the quality of Internet access seems to be essential. Some people claim that improving Internet access is the duty of individuals or Internet companies instead of governments. At the same time, governments should spend money to improve public transportation. However, I believe the other way around.

    First of all, improving Internet access meets the requirement of developing science and technology. As we know, science and technology have become the main topics since 2000. Meanwhile, almost every government is making efforts to improve their technology in the network. For example, 5G is commonly used these days, and the government of my country has already set up some Internet facilities. These provide the whole country with a better Internet environment with higher speed and more comfortable experience while surfing the Internet. What the government has completed not only improves Internet access but also reinforces the reputation of my country because of the up-to-date technology.

    Secondly, promoting the development of Internet access is indeed money and energy-consuming. In the beginning, we have to hire some engineers to discover the new technology, and then we will face the challenges coming from setting the sites to build the Internet facilities. After that, workers will be needed to build those facilities. Only with the financial support from governments can we finish the whole process. For example, we can use the investment to offer salaries to workers, purchase building materials or prepare for some emergency.

    Admittedly, spending money on public transportation is essential, as public transportation means a lot for us to commute or hang out. However, public transportation has already developed quite well in many countries. So it is time for governments to pay more attention to Internet access that has not been developed perfectly.

    In conclusion, improving Internet access is the right field for governments to spend money.