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  • Koyu
    University: CUHK
    Nationality: 中國
    July 15, 2021 at 4:48 am

    Some modifications have been made in this reply.

    Students nowadays are prone to be utilitarian when selecting their focus of study. Therefore, institutions have actively developed profitable STEM, business, and jurisprudence majors to attract potential students. Though emphasizing these majors could valorize the schools, schools should not myopically compel students to study in pragmatic fields in bigot.

    First and foremost, propelling students to study in fanciful fields could not guarantee a promising career. In contrast, extravagantly concentrating on remunerative jobs may encumber students’ self-fulfillment. Admittedly, some students possessing genius in business communication, scientific frontier research, and jury are just right to target students of these faculties. Nevertheless, it is unwilling to redirect potential students in other fields to these mundanely accepted realms. For instance, Ch’ien Chung-shu, a 20th century virtuoso of Chinese classics, behaved poorly on math when attending Peking University’s entrance exam. Though youngsters were encouraged to study science, Ch’ien won’t be prolific if he followed suit. Therefore, compulsively encouraging students to learn in unsuitable fields yields no fruitful return. It may even deteriorate students’ being prodigious in other areas.

    Moreover, it is unwise of an institution to focus on a constrictive range of studies. Indeed, to dig out students’ real potentials, prestigious universities underscore the fluidity of students’ transferring of their majors. Take Chicago University as an analogy; students enrolled in its school of social sciences are bestowed the right to redirect to another parallel program. To instantiate, history students could transfer to the economy department, while the registry is not reluctant to approve applications like this. Having implemented this for long, the school has cultured cohorts of outstanding students, which outnumbers schools whose concepts are rigid. Therefore, institutions that provide students with a variety of courses can foster brilliant students more probably. From this perspective, institutions should also perfect themselves to satisfy the multifaceted demands of students, which help realize the institution’s prestige.

    I contend that triggering students to study in economically profitable fields is of practical consideration. However, students pay different costs due to the variation led by their endowments when working on the same program. The discrepancy among the students denies the rough proclaim that students should forthrightly have a homogenous target. Moreover, despite that inputting all resources on particular studies could make the institution strengthened in some area, insufficient construction of other parts are likely to drag the institution backward as an integral.

    In a nutshell, educational institutions should not one-sidedly encourage their students to study in promising fields concerning salaries. They should also consider the long-run fulfillment of students, as well as institutions themselves. Therefore, the biased argument should be modified and be less utilitarian.

    University: CUHK
    Nationality: 中國
    July 13, 2021 at 2:02 pm

    Through the ages, people have debated over the rubrics which measure how well-established a nation is. Though the statement provided proclaims that the general welfare of people should outweigh other criteria, I reckon this viewpoint is one-sided.

    Admittedly, we cannot term a country great if widespread discontent rages. Countries that endow their citizens with low unemployment rates, health care services, and mature education systems indeed have advantages over the failing states plagued by impoverishment, famine, and economic stagnation. Those born in failing states will resort to unscrupulous deals under the threat of rampant corruption, which are fatal to developing a decent nation. Possible insurgency outbreaks in the failing states prevent the government from consistent development, and people native to the country will not find themselves worthy. The ongoing upheavals in Haiti and Burma further manifest the essentiality of people’s volition and welfare. Therefore, providing general welfare to its people is vital since it simultaneously requires the institution’s overall stability.

    However, it is also unwilling to neglect the necessity of advancing in politics, arts, and science. Notwithstanding that these superstructures have stretched too far from civil petitions, they have indeed fostered improving general welfare in a disruptive manner. In the 17th century, Newtonian principles bred the Industrial Revolution and conceived the British hegemony, which gave a welcome fillip to an average British. During the Great Depression, F.D.Roosevelt, Shirland Temple, and many others engaged in politics and art performance aroused the morale of discouraged American workers and redirected the country to its manifest destiny. Diligent leaders, artists, and scientists are propellers of a more productive and optimistic society. Also, their presence as well-renowned role models enhances the nation’s power of discourse, which is also a core constituent to measure the greatness of a nation.

    It is indubitable that a country striving for its prestige should pay emphasis on its citizen’s welfare. And I concede that a responsible government should agilely prioritize its livelihood issues. Meanwhile, other indicators of a society’s overall fulfillment are also profitable to invest in for their significance in improving people’s welfare. Therefore a definite claim that the general welfare overrides other indicators of a nation is fallacious. We should also put other factors that matter to the whole picture as benchmarks.