ShippersForMe Participant ShippersForMe Participant

Your Replies

  • Kristen
    University: Huazhong University of Science and Technology
    Nationality: China
    February 21, 2021 at 4:39 am

    Despite variations of people’s responses different, I deem that workers will tend to be more satisfied when they have many types of tasks to undertake during the workday.

    To begin with, I think that only when we perform a variety of kinds of assignments can we learn more knowledge through the work, which will greatly widen our horizons. For instance, if I worked in a cafe just as an attendant who only need to clean up cups and help guests to order, I could virtually acquire little experiences and abilities. On the contrary, imagine that my scope of work includes helping customers identify coffee beans, popularizing coffee culture, and so on,of which the content will be updated over time. In this case, I will obtain many new pieces of knowledge, such as the coffee history, the processing of coffee beans. These will be the source of my satisfaction.

    Furthermore, diverse types of tasks will keep us enthusiastic about our lives and works. If the task is always the same day after day, people will be bored one day, and they will even feel like themselves as machines which not only without new ideas but also inflexible. When people have such negative emotions, they will lose the motivation to complete their works, leading to dissatisfaction with their job. Therefore, in order to enhance people’s job satisfaction, companies and units should follow people’s nature – avoiding repetition and looking forward to new attempts and challenges, just as people always want to try entertainment items that they have never played before when they go to the amusement park.

    All in all, for the reasons listed above, we can safely conclude that workers will be more satisfied to do different assignments than do similar work all day long.