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  • LeeRich
    University: Southeast University Chengxian College
    Nationality: china
    July 30, 2020 at 9:28 am

    It is true that people have different priorities when it comes to their preferable movies and TV programs. For some people, movies and TV programs that made in their own country are top choice. However, I opt for foreign films and TV programs. I feel this way for two main reasons, which I will explore in the following essay. First, foreign movies especially American movies can be very thrilling and vivid. Second, I can learn something from foreign TV programs.

    For one thing, I can immerse myself in a cinematic experience while watching a movie that made in Hollywood. Since most American films have a huge scene of explosion and chase. This is an exciting way I want to experience since I could reach to things happening on the screen. Besides, if I see a movie with a tragic finale, I will burst into tears after a catastrophic scene. For instance, the lead actress or actor die in a ship wreck like the movie Titanic. Nevertheless, as for similar Chinese movies, I may laugh in that the flamboyant acting skills of Chinese actors. What I need to propose is that I am fond of Marvel movies and transforms that why I opt for films made in Hollywood.

    Additionally,  I can glean knowledge by watching foreign TV programs. I may trace the culture behind one’s plots.We all know that learning English is a current hot trend in the world. And in this way, I can improve my English comprehensive skills in an apparently smooth way. For example, when I watched a TV program called The Big Bang Theory, I learned a phrase which was spoken by Sheldon Lee Cooper was: You play your cards right. And this sentence means that you need to behave well.

    All in all, when I have spare time to watch a movie or TV program, I will always prioritize foreign movies and TV programs.