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  • lrreel
    University: China Pharmaceutical University
    Nationality: China
    February 13, 2020 at 5:15 am

    Nowadays, playing computer games has become a huge fashion. Some people say that it is a super way to relax. On the contrary, some may say playing computers is a waste of time. Anyway, many people love it, including a lot of children. In this case, many parents try to prohibit their children from computer games. But, contrary to those parents, I would say it is unnecessary.

    First of all, playing computer games can expand children’s horizons. Computer games can cover lots of themes. Some may discuss about the history some may focus on art, and so on. For instance, my friend Peter has a good knowledge of the old days coming from games. He was a great fan of many games when he was a child. He often tells us a lot of stories about those ancient times. At the time of Grade 8, he even got the highest scores in a march on history. In this case, you can see that playing computer games will not do damage to children. Moreover, children can get intelligence from computer games.

    In the mean time, playing computer games is indeed a suitable way to relax. When children fail or when they face big troubles, they may feel depressed. At that time, they need some relax. After these relaxations, they will challenge the hardships again and overcome them. Some may think it is a way of escaping, but I have to say that escape is shameful but useful. Not until the children calm down can they turn to these problems again, and then they can fix them in a better way. From this point of view, playing games is an excellent way to relax and help children with their growth.

    Above all, I agree that children should have their right to play computer games in a proper way.