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  • mainaga
    University: Guangdong University of Foreign Study
    Nationality: China
    March 30, 2022 at 3:55 am

    It’s hard to deny that nowadays, we always see some news about international crimes happening to students who travel or work. This fact leads susceptible people to generate the opinion that it’s too dangerous for students who just completed high school to go out alone to work or travel. However, this statement suffers from both logical and factual fallacies, which means we need to scrutinize it meticulously. As far as efficiency, long term benefits and health are concerned, I strongly hold that students ought to take some time to work or travel after graduating from high school.

    First and foremost, travelling or working would benefit students in the long term. Students who have just completed their high school actually knows little about our society and the world. Therefore, travelling and working are excellent approaches to get them familiar with how our society and the world work, which helps students broaden their eyesight and have a better life. Take my own experience as an example. Even though I have learned a great amount of knowledge about biology, mathematics and Chinese in high school, I still know little the details about our lives. But only after my excursion to Fujian, had I learned more about the culture there and what I need to do to solve some practice problems.

    Moreover, the fact that it would help us learn more efficiently at the universities also indicates that students should take at least a year off to travel or work before entering universities. Take the case of myself again. I used to travel to Myanmar, where I stayed almost 2 weeks. As a result, the careful observation of Myanmar eventually gives me some detailed points to present during a class, at which being asked to show some characteristics of the local people living in Myanmar. The experience of travelling to Myanmar helps me understand the knowledge fully talked by the professor. Had it not been for the travel, I would just learn the knowledge ordinarily through what the teacher said and how our books showed.

    Above the reasons I gave, students who completed high school should take at least a year off to  travel or work before starting their study at universities, as far as efficiency and long-term advantages are taken into consideration.