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  • Margaret_wyz
    University: NAU
    Nationality: Chinese
    March 21, 2020 at 3:16 am

    Nowadays, many young people choose to travel or work for a period rather than going to the university directly. I believe that it is a sensible choice with several advantages and outweighs its negative impacts.

    One advantage related to study is that traveling or working will accumulate practical experience and reinforce knowledge in books. High grades in examinations are not equal to a comprehensive grasp of one subject. Besides, there is a gap between theoretical deductions and practical circumstances. Therefore, young school leavers, for example, will figure out the essence of a principal indeed when successfully solving a practical problem with it.

    The process of traveling or working can also reflect your holes in knowledge, boosting the desire of catching. Education in senior high schools usually focuses on basic knowledge of main subjects, instead of the development in all aspects. After traveling or working, students make sense of their hobbies to persist and weaknesses to enhance. They will make progress with explicit purposes in university.

    On the other hand, these school leavers may not be able to readjust campus life. Having traveled or worked for a period, they get used to the high-pace life, complex interpersonal relationships and exciting adventures that are completely different from campus life. As they back to schools, they may struggle to recall basic formulas in STEM or classics of literature, while other students can handle it with ease. This remains the barrier in their further study.

    In conclusion, a break for traveling and working can motivate experience accumulation and self-cognition. This choice is worth encouraging, though it may cause the inconsistency in knowledge gaining.