TruckersForMe Participant TruckersForMe Participant

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  • Oroduin
    University: Xidian University
    Nationality: China
    August 2, 2019 at 12:45 pm

    In recent years, with the increasing development of information technology, whether computers are the most important invention of the last century becomes a popuplar argument. In this essay, I will examine the views of this argument from two sides.

    Some people agree that we cannot live without computers in modern society. Computer skills may be an essential technical ability for employees seeking promotion in the company. For example, people who can use computer to analyse cases or process data may get higer salary than those who fail to. Even civilian staff may use a computer to input documents. However, as for students, the usage of computers seems to be rare. Teachers often assign paper homework rather than online tests.

    In my view, alternating current should be more representative than computers. Without electricity, we even cannot start up computers. From lights in the house to machines in the factories, most of modern facilities should use this power to support the operation of modern world. Probably no such a place do not require electric power except some primitive areas in the slashing and burning ages.

    Indeed,  some medicine saving people from death may be greater than mine. People should be aware that all inventions created in the last century are important to humans’ daily life. People coming from different backgrounds waste too much time on this inappropriate argument is unreasonable. Anyway, the users should be very grateful to those hardworking inventors.