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  • pan123
    University: Nanjing University
    Nationality: China
    October 28, 2020 at 4:45 am

    Present parents seem to spend more effort on educating kids than used to be. Parents make a consensus that raising kids is a far more difficult task. What follows is that cell phones and online games become the main burden of difficulty. In my opinion, I disagree with the statement.

    To begin with, standards of educating a kid rise up nowadays, giving rise to so-called difficulty. In consideration of children’s happiness and health, there is no difference between past and present. All parents need to do are educating children orally and physically, such as persuading them not to be upset after failing to get high grades in exams or warning them not to play with fire. However, in this society filled with competition, parents have a strong will to educate their kids to be more talented and competitive.

    Moreover, looking forward to kids’ future success, parents cost much to send them to different after-school classes and prevent them from wasting time on cell phones. It becomes a rather common phenomenon that cell phones and social networks, which provide great convenience for kids to solve academic problems, become innocent criminal of education problems, while the real cause is the pressure parents put on themselves.

    Finally, to some extent, cell phones and social networks reduce parents’ difficulty of educating. In the past, it was quite hard for parents to give kids moral education. Parents always failed to urge their kids to read books, which deliver a lot about valuation and ethic criterion. The only way, in which kids learned to understand what is right , is experiencing society. They might be cheated by some bad people and bullied by elder kids at school. After that, they came to understand justice and evil.

    By contrast, at present, children have the opportunity to receive various education from networks. Reading news about the danger of taking elevators, Children is more likely to keep quiet and still in elevators, even without parents’ warning. Communicating with friends on social networks, Children surprisingly discover that classmates have been bullied by certain elder kid, avoiding them of bullying younger kids in the future. The power of networks, where governments and authorities spread information directly to kids, relieves parents’ education burden.

    All in all, It is true that education kids is a more difficulty task. However, cell phones and social network have few negative effects on education.