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  • Schrodininglish
    University: Jilin University
    Nationality: Jilin University
    January 15, 2020 at 12:54 am

    I firmly believe that students shouldn’t take basic science classes. It is because having basic science classes impairs both students’ major courses and all-round development.

    Initially, taking basic science classes impairs university students’ study in major. Basic science knowledge is usually difficult for most students, such as complex physical theories and complicated chemical reactions. These difficulties daunt students and dampen their study enthusiasm for study in basic science as well as in their majors. Besides, not everyone likes basic science classes. Forcing students to learn basic science classes causes nothing but students’ dislike for study. The boredom of basic science classes will spread over students’ major courses.

    In addition, taking basic science classes affects students’ all-round development. To achieve comprehensive development, students should have time on extracurricular activities, including participating in club events and doing a spell of an internship. Taking basic science classes inevitably encroaches on students’ time, since students need to prepare for class, review lectures, and accomplish homework. As a result, less spare time leaves students for extracurricular activities. For example, in my sophomore year, without basic science classes, I had more spare time on the school basketball team, academic conferences, and parties. In the process, I learned to communicate efficiently with other people and befriended with a bunch of people.

    Admittedly, a voice rises that basic science classes can expand students’ horizons, and thus school should ask students to have basic science classes. Nevertheless, in fact, the research conducted by a well-known Chinese educational institution showed that just a few interviewees had some interest in basic science classes. Therefore, without students’ interest in basic science, basic science classes cannot widen the student’s vision.

    In a nutshell, considering that taking basic science classes is detrimental to students’ majors and all-round development, I firmly believe that students should not be required to take basic science classes.