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  • Sienna
    University: University of Macau
    Nationality: China
    September 2, 2021 at 5:55 am

    It would be an adverse effect that students must take history courses no matter what their major is. I think students should not be forced to take history courses for two major reasons, which I will explore in the following essay.

    First of all, students would be under too much stress if they had to study a subject unrelated to their major since there would be no relationship between both subjects.  Imagine you are majoring in business management,  it really matter if you study history? Students would be too overwhelmed if they had to learn a wide diversity of subjects. My personal experience is a compelling illustration of this. The university required us to take the history course otherwise we were not able to graduate. Based on this situation, I needed to spend extra time studying it since I was not majoring in history and I was not familiar with those history theories and issues. Due to that, I was under too much pressure and my gpa was also directly and inevitably influenced by that though.

    Secondly, students need to spend extra money on the history courses material and some even might need to attend a tutorial class. It is not surprising that students who are not majoring in history do not  know about it. Therefore, if universities  require them to take a history course, there is no doubt that they might choose to go to some tutorial class to enhance their knowledge otherwise their gpa will decline like me. No matter students or their families, they will just get too much stress on spend money for those classes. In addition, they also need to buy an extra book and it also causes the cost of study overwhelming.

    To sum up, learning history is not suitable for every student in the university. I cannot see that students can take any benfinical from learning history courses.