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  • tang
    University: zju
    Nationality: china
    September 12, 2020 at 3:09 am

    In some parts of the world, people are willing to buy a house or an apartment instead of renting one as their home. Reasons generating are easy to identify, this essay is going to analyze why this is the case and how this will affect the development of the economy.

    Foremost, many people think that owning a home is the guarantee of a stable life. People who have a flat or house do not have to worry about moving frequently. They can decorate their home with their favorite style and enjoy a high-quality life. Moreover, in some countries, the houses or apartment is related to the educational level that their children can receive. For example, if people have a flat near a primary school with a high level of education, their children will be more likely to enter this school. By contrast, those whose parents rent a home have no chance to study at this school. People are more willing to own a home, especially in cities with unbalanced educational resources.

    This trend may harm the economy. As we have known, the price of houses is very high. This results in many young people who have brought a house or flat are burdened with high mortgages. Hence, they may not have extra money to buy other things, which might lead to slower economic growth.
    To sum up, houses are related to people’s life stability and educational resources, so people desire to buy a house. However, this tendency may influence economic growth.