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  • tanling
    University: South China Normal University
    Nationality: Chinese
    May 10, 2020 at 11:54 am

    As the internet developing, the conventional teaching pattern gradually changes to online teaching. More professors tend to upload their teaching videos in advance thus they can spend more time interacting with students in classes. Given the following benefits, undoubtably, this is a high-effective teaching approach.

    For students, it provides a better chance for them to have a better mastery of knowledge. For one thing, they have a whole night to comprehend the teaching content ahead of class. As for the characteristic of videos, students can stop and replay it if they have requirements of spending time thinking or searching related information. Thus, they don’t have to worry about missing key points or losing focus. For another thing, more communication between professors and students is also conducive to a profound understanding of knowledge, especially to some elusive concepts or principles. Such as in history class, frequent discussion of historical events caused and background can help students to have a clear understanding of the following consequences, like the constant and severe environmental damage generated by the Second World War.

    As for professors, it seems arduous to record videos since extra time would be required. Nevertheless, this saves their time when having classes. Since students have already coped with simple questions when watching the videos, professors don’t have to waste time in explaining the basic knowledge that students have ability to solve by themselves. In class, professors can start a higher-level teaching that imparting more abstruse and interesting knowledge by exchanging various ideas with students. With less obsession from being asked basic or even the same questions many times, they would have more vigor and passion to devote themselves in teaching. More than that, teachers also can receive a stronger sense of achievement as they accomplish their teaching job more excellent than others. As a result, this will bring more efficient learning productivity.

    In conclusion, it can infer that recording videos previously and involving discussion on classes can both facilitate students’ learning efficiency as well as elevating the teaching quality by professors.