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  • Teddy
    University: UoPeople
    Nationality: China
    July 8, 2020 at 4:08 am

    The fact that government fundings have force us to question how to allocate it properly. Opinions diverge greatly. From my perspective, investing money in arts B more likely to exert positive, influences on the public.

    To begin with, spending money in arts stimulates people’s breath and makes people become more productive in a great extent. This is because inspirational arts make it possible for working staff to continue being productive. Take background music as an example, there is now an increasing amount of companies using it in their offices to improve the working efficiency. Since some soft or classic musics enable employees to feel a sense of comfort so that they can immerse themselves in their task. Therefore, it is a good way for workers to be more productive.

    Additionally, one of the functions of arts is aiming to improve the citizen’s life, because it plays on indispensable role, in the daily life. Just like the importance of education, the significance of arts allows people have a joyful life. For example, some employees get a clear perspective of the power of posier they post some hot-blooded pictures and slogans in order to create a positive atmosphere. Consequently, art plays a big role in one’s life and set a good mood for the rast majority of people.

    Admittedly, there is an assumption that investing money in sports also has benefits. What these supporters might claim is the influence of the Olympic game. That is because when holding such a major sporting event can affect thousands of people . For the durian of the games. These foreign tourists bring a boost to the local economy. In spite of this, I am not in favor of this idea, because if the local authority builds a modem museum, it can improve the economic prospenty of the they as well. A newly-built museum needs to hire staff can scale ticket to make money, so it is also contributes to the local economy.

    In conclusion, I stand by the earlier view that enough budgets should be allocated to the arts. Because it can help employees to be more productive provide a better life with a great mood.