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Your Replies

  • Wase263
    University: Gifu University
    Nationality: China
    April 3, 2020 at 6:04 am

    I disagree with this statement. In my opinion, ideas and concepts are all only basic knowledge for us to learn. In any field, we are not just satisfied with mastering basics. Moreover, understanding concepts and ideas doesn’t conflict with learning facts. We can obtain benefits of them both.

    The most intuitive example is the growth of animals in nature. There are a lot of  species on earth, obviously most of them are not as intelligent as human beings. However they still have lots of unknown skills which are hard to be understood and used by human. Adult animals teach these skills to their offspring. They will teach these skills from generation to generation. And continuously adjust themselves so that they can use these skills to survive. Is this because they have learned concepts and ideas? Apparently no. The main reason is they learned many facts by encountering lots of situations during their evolutionary histories.

    In academic fields, we can learn even more about significance of learning facts. Take probability as an example, we study it because it can measure probability of events in the real world. Furthermore, after we come up with some ideas or hypotheses, we need real feedback to help us to know if it’s right and what we should correct. Therefore data always is important for students whose specialty is probability.

    As a student, I also like teaching style with many vivid facts. Learning facts always is fast way for me to understand those abstract concepts and sophisticated knowledge. This is inspired by my friend who can learn everything very fast. He tell me that every time he meets difficulties, he searches their real applications online. Thus he can know that which basic concepts have what kinds of effect as well as  how they operate in fact. From his description, we can not only know that learning facts is important but also know facts, ideas and concepts are all significant parts of learning process.