Wu Hanfei
ShippersForMe Participant ShippersForMe Participant

Your Replies

  • Wu Hanfei
    University: Soochow university
    Nationality: China
    October 19, 2020 at 6:32 am

    It is important to keep old friends than it is to make new friends.


    As we are progressively growing older, we have fewer friends than when we are young. Some people would like to say that it is important to keep old friends instead of making new friends. From my perspective, old friends are more close to us. Because they know us better and could help us out of trouble.


    First of all, old friends are very familiar with my hobbies and personality. In other word, they know us better. As we are taking the vacation together, we could decide what to eat and what to do after short communication. When we have conflicts due to certain reasons, we could solve the problem since we realize each other’s personalities. Take my friend Tim as an instance, once I was mad at that he broke my computer. And I said some words could hurt him. Afterward, when I calm down and apologize to him, he forgave me. Because he knew that I am without intention to hurt him.


    Moreover,old friends could help you out when you are in trouble. And they are willing to do me a favor when I need them. By contrast, new friends will not help us because we don’t trust each other. Take a new friend of mine, Jack, as an example. I know him by I gave him a ride when I met him in front of the library. The next time I met him when I buy a coffee cup in the bar of the library. And I forgot about bringing cash with me. When I ask Jack for help, he refused me.


    Therefore, I believe that old friends are more important to us. Because they know me better and can help me out when I was in trouble, which can not be done by new friends.

    Wu Hanfei
    University: Soochow university
    Nationality: China
    October 16, 2020 at 1:19 am

    It is important to keep old friends than it is to make new friends.

    As we progressively growing older, we have fewer friends than when we are young. Some people would like to say that it is important to keep old friends instead of making new friends. From my point of view, old friends are more close to us because they know us better and could help us out of trouble.

    First of all, old friends are very familiar with my hobbies and personality. In other word, they know us better. As we are taking vacation together, we could decide what to eat and what to do after short communication. And when we have conflicts due to certain reasons, we could easily solve the problem since we realize the personalities of each other. Take my friend Tim as an instance, once I got really angry about that he broke my computer, and I said some words could hurt him. Afterwards, when I calm down and apologize to him, he forgave me since he knew that I am without intention to hurt him.

    Moreover,old friends could help you out when you are in trouble. And they are willing to do me a favor when I need them. By contrast, new friends will not help us because we don’t trust each other. Take new friends of mine, Jack, as an example, I know him by I gived him a ride when I met him in front of the library. The next time I met him when I buy a coffee cup in the bar of the library. And I forgot about bringing cash with me. When I ask Jack for help, he refused me.

    Therefore, I believe that old friends are more important to us because they know us better and can help me out when I was in trouble, which can not be done by the new friends.