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  • wu
    University: Hangzhou Dianzi University
    Nationality: 中国
    March 6, 2021 at 4:30 am

    In some people’s opinion, having a home is more significant than renting one. There are some reasons that houses give people a sense of belonging and stability leading to this phenomenon.However, I think this phenomenon cause adverse effects to society.

    Firstly, owning a home gives a sense of belonging for people compared to renting one. People think that a place with a house is their home, but if they rent a house, they may think they live in the home of other people. For example, people who have their own houses can decorate it as they like. However, if they rent one, they have to comply with the request of their landlords.

    What’s more, people need a stable life to develop ourselves. Living in the own house gives us a stable environment. People don’t have to think about whether the owner of the house will kick us out. After all, the house belongs us forever. We will be more focused on our work or study.

    These reasons are positive but it is not a good situation if everyone wants to have their own house. The case is that the price of the house may increase if everyone wants to buy it. The needing for housing enlarges but the amount of housing is limited so that the price rises. Then, someone who has less money can not afford a house. For example, recently, house prices are rising, and then people’s happiness index is getting lower.

    All in all, people should change their view about buying a house or renting it. Although there are many advantages to buying a house, we can not ignore the negative impact of it on society.