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  • WZhou
    University: NEPU
    Nationality: China
    June 21, 2022 at 2:08 am

    Children should spend their time playing games or sports if their parents can not be with them. Children just need to study at school and do sports or have fun at other times.

    Nowadays, children are under great pressure. They need time to relax, to do something they are interested in, especially something unrelated to studying. Children will feel overwhelmed if they have to study most time in the day. Learning is significant but physical and mental health is more important. Hence, by spending time having fun, children can have chances to exchange their minds and learn better.

    Besides, playing games or sports are also good ways for children to learn how to make friends or develop the ability to the organizational skills. For example, kids who are five years old are often kind of selfish. Parents are willing to offer everything to them when they are at home. However, when they spend time with peers they need to share toys with others consciously or ask friends to teach them how to play sports. In this way, children can gain a lot of skills and make themselves better. More importantly, at the time when children grow up, it is the organization, communication, and consideration that prompt them to have a better life. And such skills must be mastered at one’s young age.

    Therefore, playing games or sports can help children not only relax better but also help children to be better people in the future.