ShippersForMe Participant ShippersForMe Participant

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  • zeblood
    University: Sun Yat-sen University
    Nationality: China
    October 22, 2021 at 1:47 pm

    The reading passage puts forward three solutions about how to prevent injuries to birds. However, the speaker in the listening considers that none of them will effectively stop injuring birds.


    The first solution mentioned in the passage is to replace the regular glass with one-way glass. With this glass, people can see out while birds cannot see in the glass. Then, birds will not try to fly through it because they will understand that it is glass. On the contrary, in the speaker’s words, the outside of glasses reflects light just like a mirror. If birds see a tree or the sky in the mirror, they will not understand that they are trying to fly through a mirror. Therefore, they will still injure by the glass windows.


    Besides, the reading suggests that painting colorful lines or other designs on window glass is a good solution. People can see through the openings in the window while birds can see the stripes and thus, they will avoid flying through them. Nevertheless, according to the speaker, Birds will perceive the openings of glass windows as open holes and try to fly right through them. Though the unpainted area can be extremely small so that the birds will not think that they are able to fly through such holes, in this case, the inside of the glass will be too dark.


    Finally, the reading holds that equipping the building with powerful electromagnets can help avoid birds’ injuries because they can sense magnetic fields created by electromagnets, and they will be steered away from the building. However, the speaker claims that birds use their sense of magnetic fields only when they are travelling very long distances. When they are flying from a side of the city to another, they will use their eyes. Therefore, the solution cannot prevent injuries to birds.