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  • KarenJ
    University: Zhejiang University
    Nationality: China
    September 17, 2022 at 4:25 am

    Nowadays the world is getting smaller because of the development of technology and globalization. Thus, people are more closely connected and also better informed about events happening around the world. Generally, I believe that people should keep up with current affairs even if many of them don’t affect people’s lives.

    First, gaining information from different fields helps cultivate our habits of critical thinking, and strengthens the bonds between people. There are usually different points of view on a controversial issue, which we can choose to take a position on. By making our own judgments, we can acquire the ability to think independently. Eventually, we draw our conclusions and form objective attitudes by thoroughly evaluating different opinions. During this process, we can both have a profound understanding of the events, and have deeper connections with people in other areas of the world.

    Second, knowledge about events happening around the world helps us broaden our horizons and make effort to improve the current situation as much as we can. Nowadays, the rapid development of technology and society strengthens the connection between nations. Inevitably, we are affected by events happening elsewhere in the world. Thus, even the smallest effort we make might have a significant impact on others. For example, a friend of mine often checks the news about ocean pollution problems in South Africa. She seizes every opportunity to make contributions to solving it, such as raising money and joining a charity organization, which has encouraged more people around her to join the organization and make joint efforts.

    Admittedly, most events that happen elsewhere in the world don’t have any practical impact on our daily lives. It seems useless to waste our time and effort learning about them. However, it is vital that we are aware of what is going on around the world to better understand the current situation. Also, it prompts us to make effort to meet future challenges and make the world better.

    To sum up, people ought to know about global events, because it promotes the development of both individuals and society.

    University: Zhejiang University
    Nationality: China
    September 8, 2022 at 9:57 am

    Generally, I believe that life today is much easier and more comfortable than it was during my grandparents’ childhood. The development of technology and society ensures that modern people have more promising and happier lives than the days when our grandparents were children.

    Firs, the boost of technology and the emergence of scientific discoveries make life more convenient and comfortable for modern people. In the era of extreme science, people have easy access to various resources that they need and have more tools for communication in daily life. For instance, nowadays nearly everyone has a mobile phone to check emails, surf the Internet, and communicate with family and friends remotely. However, these useful functions were completely inaccessible to my grandparents when they were children.

    Secondly, the development of medicine improves the quality of life and extends the average lifespan for normal people. Medicines now consist of higher concentrations of effective ingredients, which are both cheaper and efficient for the illness. Back when my grandparents were young, people suffered a lot from uncurable diseases and might even die because of not treated in time. Nowadays, the invention of a wide range of medicines for different symptoms and advanced measures of treatment offer people curations and more comfortable experiences.

    In addition, people are more educated nowadays than before. In lots of regions around the world, education is compulsory for children now. Also, the prevalence of the Internet ensures that online learning resources are more accessible to people. In my grandparents’ childhood, only people who were both wealthy and had a high position can afford to get their children educated. Besides, girls were more unfavored at that time, leading to a serious inequivalent situation. On the contrary, people now acknowledge the vitality of education and are more willing to spend both money and time on knowledge.

    By way of conclusion, thanks to the rapid development of technology and society, I think that life today is way lot easier and more comfortable than when my grandparents were children