Sayaka Wu
ShippersForMe Participant ShippersForMe Participant

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  • Sayaka Wu
    University: Fudan University
    Nationality: China
    August 24, 2020 at 4:59 pm

    Honesty is an invaluable trait. Opposite of this is lying. Sometimes, people lie to cover up bad things that is likely to frustrate their partner. Another scenario is to tell white lies out of kindness. I would say, in either situation, lying will destroy any relationship in the long run.

    In the first case where one lies to cover up something bad, s/he often succeeds. A confrontation or dispute seems to be avoided. In the long run, nonetheless, the facts may find you out. If it did, as is often the case, the basic trust would be blotched. Moreover, by trying to cover the problem, people lose their opportunity to solve it in the first place. Things may get worse as time goes by. Hence in this situation, it’s a better choice to discuss the problem with your partner and solve it in time.

    In the other case where many argue that white lies are acceptable because they are for the benefit of those being told, I regard this consideration as sheer arrogance. How can one decide what’s good and what’s bad for others? People vary in a lot of things. They have the right to make their own decision, based on a full understanding of the situation. For instance, imagine a lady who was recently diagnosed with cancer, some would choose not to tell her because they assume that she is not strong enough to face this shocking fact. Not telling the truth under this circumstance may extend her life. However, in my case, I would like to be told the truth to make the most of the rest of my life.

    All up, I believe that telling the truth displays your respect for, and your trust of, your partner. It’s the most effective way to address potential problems. Honesty should be the primary consideration in any relationship.

    Sayaka Wu
    University: Fudan University
    Nationality: China
    August 22, 2020 at 7:34 am

    Honesty is an invaluable trait. Opposite of this is lying. Sometimes, people lie to cover up bad things that will frustrate their partner. Another scenario is to tell white lies out of kindness. I would say, in either situation, lying will destroy any relationship in the long run.

    In the first case where one lies to cover up something bad, s/he often successes. A confrontation or dispute seems to be avoided. Nonetheless, there is always the risk of the truth emerging sooner or later. If it did, as is often the case, the basic trust will be blotched. Moreover, by trying to cover the problem, people lose their opportunity to solve it in the first place. Things may get worse as time goes by. Hence in this situation, it’s a better choice to discuss the problem with your partner and solve it in time.

    In the other case where many argue that white lies are acceptable because they are for the benefit of those being told, I regard this consideration as sheer arrogance. How can one decide what’s good and what’s bad for others? People vary in a lot of things. They have the right to make their own decision, based on a full understanding of the situation. For instance, imagine a lady who was recently diagnosed with cancer, some would choose not to tell her because they assume that she is not strong enough to face this shocking fact. Not telling the truth under this circumstance may extend her life. However, in my case, I would like to be told the truth to make the most of the rest of my life. Those who argue that they did it for my good are deciding for me, and I didn’t like it at all.

    All up, I believe that telling the truth displays your respect and trust of your partner. It’s the most effective way to address potential problems and should be the primary consideration in any relationship.


    Sayaka Wu
    University: Fudan University
    Nationality: China
    August 18, 2020 at 12:17 pm

    2nd paragraph: I don’t understand why telling fake truth is better in taking a tests or chatting with close friend.

    2nd paragraph from the bottem: “to be success” should be ” to  success”?

    Would this essay get 5 or 4 points? I think this is quite well?