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  • 906158074
    University: Nanjing Normal University
    Nationality: China
    May 29, 2021 at 3:50 pm

    In this era of individualism, people increasingly pursue personal privacy and independence. Thus, many young people choose to move out of their parent’s house and live alone as soon as possible. Though this can show their independence to some extend, I believe that young adults can benefit more from living with their family members for a long time.

    First and foremost, it is difficult and unrealistic for young adults to leave along very early. When young adults leave with their families, they seldom face the difficulty of life and can easily organize their daily life well with parent’s help. However, when young adults move away from their families, they probably need to face the difficulty of handling millions of household work after work. When I did an internship in Beijing alone, I had to face the high price of renting a room, tricky household work, and loneliness. These things were so annoying that I almost gave up at that time, and the same case also applies to other young people.

    In addition, both young adults and parents can enjoy the time with each other if they can live together. Young adults can understand their parents more, and their parents can enjoy the happiness of children’s company. I still remember how happy my father was when I watched the TV programs with him when I stayed home. In addition, I learned much experience from the life stories my father told me. Besides, since people probably become busier and busier with their growth, young adults should catch the precious time to stay with their parents. Therefore, young people ought to live in families, which can benefit both young people and their parents.

    To sum up, I prefer young adults to live with family for a longer time. That is because they can face less difficulty in life and company their parents.

    University: Nanjing Normal University
    Nationality: China
    May 29, 2021 at 1:09 pm

    Recently many parents persuade their young children to take less risk since they already live a comfortable life. Most parents do not want their children to take risks, even though their children could have more chances to succeed in the future. However, I firmly believe that youngsters should take risks to achieve success.

    First and foremost, it is impossible to make outstanding achievements without taking risks and challenges. As the saying goes, everyone has distinct adventures in their lives. If you only follow the safety paths as others did, you will neither get your own goals nor reach your destination. For example, my nephew dropped out of school when he was eighteen because he got a brilliant start-up business idea. Then, he dropped out of the university to run his own business even if people around him thought it was risky and irrational. Fortunately, his company has grown bigger and became successful, and he has also got an offer of an MBA program in a prestigious university. If he had not set up his business as soon as possible, he would have lost the perfect timing and never made the success that he has now.

    In addition, our society keeps changing fast, so there is no unchangeable way to be cautious and careful forever. If you are open to risk and keep adjusting yourself, things won’t be too difficult. In the end, you will get success because you are following up with the world’s trend. For instance, my sister didn’t accept his mother’s opinion that a girl should major in education as most girls did, but majored in computer science. She keeps learning the updated programming skills and has become an excellent programmer. Now, her mother is surprised by her achievement. Her story tells us that jumping out of the comfort zone and taking risks is a path to your destination.

    In a nutshell, my experience and the examples I wrote let me firmly believe that a person should take more risks for finally success. That is because nobody achieves success without challenges, and no one could always play safely.

    University: Nanjing Normal University
    Nationality: China
    May 24, 2021 at 1:16 pm

    With the financial development of modern society, people ought to have stronger skills to manage their money. Accordingly, we should pay more attention to teaching our kids to have solid financial knowledge and skills. Thus, children should manage their own money in order to become financially responsible adults who use money smartly and make more money via investment.


    First and foremost, children who have the opportunity to manage their own money tend to eliminate the waste of money. By practicing in daily life, they would gradually acquire the skill and experience to use money wisely. For instance, my nephew gets a sum of money from his grandparents every Spring Festival and he could use the money by himself. At the beginning, he irrationally spent all the money to purchase snacks in a short time because he felt really satisfied at the moment. However, he realized that he could not do anything else he wanted after he used all his money. Eventually, he understood the significance of organizing money little by little and spent much less money on junk foods. If my nephew had not learned this lesson when he was young, he would squander more money in his adulthood.


    What’s more, managing money arouses the interest of investment for children. Since reliable investments often take long time, young people who know how to invest money have more time and chances to purchase rewarding assets and make tremendous profits. For example, my niece learned the knowledge about stocks and funds when she managed her money by herself. Even though she didn’t have much money to buy shares when she was young, she made a large number of profits when she started working. She said that the reason why she could make much money through stocks is that she already had the sense of investment in her childhood.


    In conclusion, should learn to manage their money as young as possible so that they could grow into financially responsible adults. With this, they can reduce the waste of money and purchase more profitable assets.