TruckersForMe Participant TruckersForMe Participant

Your Replies

  • March 27, 2019 at 5:54 pm

    老师你好,我想咨询一下我本科是985大学哲学的,今年秋季要转专业去英国读一年的授课型的anthropology,雅思6.5(6),已经确定了杜伦大学,专业是cultural anthropology,偏研究方法方向。在英国毕业后我有机会申请到美国的人类学PhD吗?最好是有奖学金的那种,这样我需要什么条件才能申请上呢?我想提前了解,这样在英国这一年期间可以好好准备。

    Tulane University offers a strong Cultural Anthropology program, which emphasizes both ethnographic research and ethnohistory. Congratulations!

    In general, obtaining a Ph.D. position from a top U.S. Anthropology program is very difficult. This relates more to limited job opportunities offered to Ph.D. graduates than to applicants’ prior academic and research exposure.

    However, I believe that your chance to receive funding from at a U.S. Anthropology program remains high given your potential research in Cultural Anthropology that will be conducted at Tulane University.

    Certainly, strong academic records (evidenced with your potential GPA at Tulane), relevant publications, and a strong GRE score especially in the Verbal section, will significantly enhance your chance. In your case, a TOEFL/an IELTS score will be waived by some U.S. universities.

    Good luck to you!


    Lin Qiu


    March 26, 2019 at 1:09 am

    Check your edited essay below:


    Lin Qiu

    March 25, 2019 at 8:32 pm


    I was unable to find the coursework information in relation to the MIA program presented by the National University of Singapore.

    The UP’s program appears to be quite new, which is designed and provided exclusively for Chinese students or students who are articulate in the Chinese language. This feature will likely reduce the diversity of the class that is regarded as a key indicator of a program’s quality.

    Also, UP’s program has not provided information in relation to internship/career possibilities for potential students/graduates.

    The NUS’s MIA program, however, provides convincing facts concerning the professors’ strength, the program’s emphases, as well as the internship/career possibilities in connection with the local organizations.

    In light of the information noted above, MIA should be a better choice for you although immersing in a non-Asian educational environment as an Asian student may benefit you more.


    Lin Qiu

    March 22, 2019 at 11:17 pm

    Please find your edited essay below:

    Wallace Edited GRE essay


    Lin Qiu

    March 22, 2019 at 11:12 pm


    Please find your edited essay below:

    Epaii Edited Essay


    Lin Qiu

    March 21, 2019 at 3:59 am

    Please read your edited essay below:

    TOEFL Essay Edited


    Lin Qiu

    March 20, 2019 at 3:45 am

    Theoretically, you can. But I don’t think it is a good approach. If you indeed fell in love with a graduate program, there would be many alternative ways to convey your intentions to, or draw attention from, the admission panel. The professor/program director might be offended when he/she receives a letter from a student that uses an acceptance letter from another university as the leverage.


    Lin Qiu

    March 20, 2019 at 3:37 am

    Yes, absolutely. Write a short letter and attach an impressive CV. Preparing an impressive CV involves lengthy efforts, so make sure to contact the professor when you are 100% satisfied with your CV, from content to format.


    Lin Qiu

    March 20, 2019 at 3:32 am

    This is a broad question. In fact, you shouldn’t assess a postgraduate programme based on its name. You should examine specific characteristics such as course structure prior to making a decision. By comparing the specifics of two postgraduate programs, you can easily differentiate two programs in terms of teaching/research quality and career opportunities.

    March 19, 2019 at 4:19 pm

    Please find your edited essay below:

    QQ IELTS Essay Edited


    Lin Qiu

    March 19, 2019 at 3:37 pm

    Bad writing!

    I have polished your essay and sent it to you via WeChat.


    Lin Qiu

    March 18, 2019 at 2:05 am

    Check your CV Assessment below

    March 18, 2019 at 1:50 am

    Please find your CV assessment below:

    March 16, 2019 at 1:56 am

    Please find your essay HERE.

    Thank you!

    Lin Qiu